- 2024, “Farmworker community education pathways for equity and climate resilience,” Spencer Foundation.
- 2024, “Farmworker community training innovations for climate resilience,” National Institute of Food and Agriculture research award.
- 2024, “Innovations in Monitoring and Control of Powdery Mildew in Forests, Fields and Facilities,” Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) Faculty Collaborative Grant.
- 2023, “Farmworker Community Health Vulnerabilities and Responses Amid Climate Change,” Climate Action Award granted from UC Office of the President
- 2023, “Community-Engaged S/Hero Award,” granted from UC Office of the President
- 2023 Senior Visiting Fellowship at the Max Planck Institute zur Erforschung multireligiöser und multiethnischer Gesellschaften
- 2022 University of California Office of the President, Digital Inclusion award
- 2021 UC Global Health Institute Incubator Award, “Accelerating Implementation Science,” co-PI with Stef Bertozzi
- 2019 Appointed as Editor for Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
- 2019 “Global health citizenship and the city,” Brocher Foundation Residency, co-PI with Katharyne Mitchell.
- 2018 Appointed to the Board of the University of California Global Health Institute.
- 2016 “On the ethical, legal & social implications of new biosecurity technologies as they relate to migrants and geography of biological citizenship,” Brocher Foundation Residency, co-PI with Katharyne Mitchell.
- 2013 “Climate Change, Global Health, Vulnerability and Resilience: Towards an Area Studies of Risk,” co-PI with Celia Lowe for joint Mellon grant.
- 2010, Award for Excellence in Teaching, Jackson School of Intl. Studies, University of Washington
- 2007, Lifetime Distinguished Teacher Award, University of Washington
- 2005, Award for Excellence in Teaching, Dept. of Geography, University of Washington
- 2000-5, National Science Foundation, CAREER award, PI
- 1998-9 National Science Foundation, Undergraduate Research Experiences Grant, PI
- 1997-9 National Science Foundation, Regular research award, PI
- 1989-1994, University Graduate Fellowships, The University of British Columbia
- 1989, Congratulatory First, The University of Oxford.